Thursday, July 28, 2011

My New List

Source: via Whitney on Pinterest

So, if you've known me for any length of time then chances are you know that I had "a list." Well, who are we kidding? I have a lot of lists; I am constantly making lists. But one list in particular has always been around and that was my "guy list" and all of the requirements that I had for someone I would potentially date.

Well, I'm a slightly stubborn person and I flat-out refused to compromise on this list. I was not budging. I just thought I knew myself and that I knew exactly what I need out of someone. And that's partially true - there are certain basics that I will never compromise on.

But I had a lot of things on there that barred me from dating certain groups of men. And then something happened: I fell for someone who fulfilled little to none of the requirements on my list. All the careful planning I had done in preparation for me to have feelings for someone else went out the window.

Now, I did not date this individual but through my feelings for him I learned a little more about myself.

See, I believe that everyone we encounter is put into our lives to teach us something and we should teach them something, too. Now I have no idea if I taught him anything, but he for sure taught me two things.

1. It's ok to let go of the little things on the list and that every guy that I have feelings for or date does is not a check mark on a list.

2. Being on fire for God and not compromising in their faith and convictions really is the most important thing to me.

My feelings for this person have faded, but not my gratitude. I have no idea if he's even reading this - I would venture to say no - but if you are - thank you. For knowledge is the greatest gift that someone can give a person and that's what you gave to me.

That brings me to the photo above. I came across it on Pinterest last night and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. Wendi and I were reading it and you would have thought we were in church we were agreeing so much! Ha!

It was reminding me more of my grandpa with each new line I would read. And you know what? My grandpa and grandma have been happily married for 70 years. So, if that list is like my grandpa and he knows how to make a marriage last then that's what I need to be looking for.

Well that photo?
Is my new list.
Feel free to copy.

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