"I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I've written for myself ... and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part."
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Welcome to Memphis {vol 1}
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Growing Down {vol 1}
I've lost in some ways, but I've grown - and will continue to grow - in others.
So, these weekly posts - mostly for my memory - are going to be called "Growing Down."
Holy Mother of God.
I don't know why I didn't jump on this bandwagon sooner! I am in love with these things! And you can get them on a wheat bun!
Monday, December 19, 2011
The Love List: {Top 5 Christmas Movies Edition}
I'm not a huge fan of Will Ferrell, but this movie makes me love him.
And I just love Zooey Deschanel.
4. Holiday Inn
"Oh, LINDA Mason!!"
This movie = hilarious.
I can never stop laughing when it's on. The church scene is GOLD.
2. Love Actually
"But for now, let me say - Without hope or agenda - Just because it's Christmas - And at Christmas you tell the truth - To me, you are perfect - And my wasted heart will love you - Until you look like this."
I want to watch this movie all year round. It's just the best. The minute I saw the previews for this movie I knew I would see it in the theatres and love it.
I can never pick a favorite storyline.
I just think that little boy is precious.
I watch it SEVERAL times a Christmas season.
1. White Christmas
Honorable Mention goes to:
Christmas in Connecticut - I grew up watching this every Christmas and still love it til this day. I blame this movie for my affinity to want to smash fine china.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
My Grown-Up Christmas List
Friday, December 9, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
"Be a pal, lift up my hand and smack her with it."
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
30 in 30
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Texts From My Mom
Saturday, September 3, 2011
DWTS vs. OMM {Round 1}
'Dancing with the Stars' has Spun Out of Control!
Some families have already decided against watching Dancing with the Starsbecause of the skimpy costumes and provocative dance routines, but now they have gone too far! This year, not only are they casting Carson Kressley fromCarson-Nation, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and How to Look Good Naked, but also transgender Chaz Bono- child to Sonny and Cher- from the documentaryBecoming Chaz will be appearing in the show. Both are LGBT rights advocates and promote this destructive lifestyle. DWTS is helping them create visibility for the LGBT community.
This is completely unacceptable and Christians should not watch the show, no excuses! Kressley will be paired up with a female dancer, and since Chasity, transformed to Chaz after her sex change in 2009, will also be paired with a female dancer.
To push the envelope even further for a program that could be a family show but is obviously not, Kressley is also author of the children's book You're Different and That's Super, a children's book promoting the homosexual lifestyle to children.
Bono is the show's first transgender contestant and has served as Entertainment Media Director for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). Herndon Graddick, senior director of programs for GLAAD, said in a statement, "At a time when transgender representation in the media is sorely lacking, Chaz Bono joining the cast is a tremendous step forward for the public to recognize that transgender people are another wonderful part of the fabric of American culture."
Email ABC Network and let them know that we will not tolerate these subjects being forced into our homes. DWTS airs 8/7 central when children are awake and Christian families will not enhance the ratings by watching the show when it returns September 19 unless this issue is taken care of and these cast members are replaced (Kressley was added last minute anyway because of another cast member's injury).
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Million Dollar Question
Sunday, July 31, 2011
July Haul
Thursday, July 28, 2011
My New List
Source: wavesrule.tumblr.com via Whitney on Pinterest
So, if you've known me for any length of time then chances are you know that I had "a list." Well, who are we kidding? I have a lot of lists; I am constantly making lists. But one list in particular has always been around and that was my "guy list" and all of the requirements that I had for someone I would potentially date.
Well, I'm a slightly stubborn person and I flat-out refused to compromise on this list. I was not budging. I just thought I knew myself and that I knew exactly what I need out of someone. And that's partially true - there are certain basics that I will never compromise on.
But I had a lot of things on there that barred me from dating certain groups of men. And then something happened: I fell for someone who fulfilled little to none of the requirements on my list. All the careful planning I had done in preparation for me to have feelings for someone else went out the window.
Now, I did not date this individual but through my feelings for him I learned a little more about myself.
See, I believe that everyone we encounter is put into our lives to teach us something and we should teach them something, too. Now I have no idea if I taught him anything, but he for sure taught me two things.
1. It's ok to let go of the little things on the list and that every guy that I have feelings for or date does is not a check mark on a list.
2. Being on fire for God and not compromising in their faith and convictions really is the most important thing to me.
My feelings for this person have faded, but not my gratitude. I have no idea if he's even reading this - I would venture to say no - but if you are - thank you. For knowledge is the greatest gift that someone can give a person and that's what you gave to me.
That brings me to the photo above. I came across it on Pinterest last night and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. Wendi and I were reading it and you would have thought we were in church we were agreeing so much! Ha!
It was reminding me more of my grandpa with each new line I would read. And you know what? My grandpa and grandma have been happily married for 70 years. So, if that list is like my grandpa and he knows how to make a marriage last then that's what I need to be looking for.
Well that photo?
Is my new list.
Feel free to copy.
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Love List {Travel Edition}
Friday, July 22, 2011
Yeah. I Said It.
---- We have a co-dependant relationship, but it's ok. I like to be needed.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Love List via Pinterest
Do y'all Pinterest? I swear it's the best invention since....whatever the last thing I thought was the best invention was....or something.
Anyway, it's the most amazing website where you can store all thse things you see online in one place on different - very organizational - virtual corkboards.
It's like a control freak's dream.
And mine.
So, I thought I'd share with y'all who don't Pinterest(love how I've made it a verb?) a few things that have caught my eyes recently.
Source: anthropologie.com via Whitney on Pinterest
I'm coveting this duvet cover, which, yes I realize is a sin but look at it. I need it.
What's that? You want to purchase it for me?
Source: cutestfood.com via Whitney on Pinterest
so easy + so fun = this snack
Source: amelialyon.net via Whitney on Pinterest
Let me tell you that I cried when I saw this series of photos. Which, in and of itself isn't surprising since I'm pretty sure I cried during the Folgers commercial the other day, but oh the sweetness. I will never look this good giving birth, but my hats off to her.
I would. I really, really would.
Source: kuchnia-pelna-cudow.blogspot.com via Whitney on Pinterest
These flowers are made of coffee filters.
I will be making these.
Source: weheartit.com via Whitney on Pinterest
And while we're on the DIY subject, this is just glow in the dark paint in mason jars. So summer.
Source: bestlovequotes.info via Whitney on Pinterest
When I get married, this is going to be the house motto. Well, that and "Momma's always right."
If you want to sign up for Pinterest you can do so simply by going to their website. There might be a little bit of a wait, but I have some invites left so let me know if you want the hook up yo.
Do y'all love how I just got ghetto on the blog?
Happy Pinning!